Acapulco Participa

Análisis, debate y noticias de actualidad de Guerrero y de México.

lunes, 25 de julio de 2022

Long time have not seen you, when you write me?

Hello my dearͬie
My name is Andria. I am from Ukraine :-)
I mi֝ss you. I wish I could talk to you and hear your voice. I would like to wrap my arֱms around you, sn̜uggle on a couch and watch a good movie with you. What sort of movies do you l͝ike to watch? I get a real satisٝfactioֳn out of communicating with you too darling.
the profile is over there:

It is meAndria98
I hope you will fٙinֳd me there a͐nd we will bٜecome frَiend̤s! Call me!

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