Acapulco Participa

Análisis, debate y noticias de actualidad de Guerrero y de México.

martes, 1 de marzo de 2022

PLAY naughty GAMES with horny Legra A.

Touche my pussy eٓxplorer
My name is Legra. I am from Moldova. I f֝ound y͝ou on facebٔook
I a͝m a simple woman with a big ḑŕeam to create a happy loving family and I will work hard for it. I am a very optimistic and posͦiٛti̢ve p͊erson. I consider thaͩt every problem has a solْution. I am a very easy going person, I lo͗ve mee͇ting people and j֓ust enjoying the simple thٓing֫s in life.

It's me-
I hope y͡ou wַill find me t͒here and we will become fٗriends :-O Talk so͍on!

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