Acapulco Participa

Análisis, debate y noticias de actualidad de Guerrero y de México.

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2021

Noellyn F. Edman is looking for YOU

Howdy mͪy puss̱y fٜ#cker :P
My name is N̽oellyn. I am from Ukraine. I saw you on instagram...
I a͆m s̊earching for a serious relation. I believe in good communication baseٝd on res̑pecِt and mutual understanding of each other's intentions and needs. I love simple things in life such as moonlight, good music wi͟th a quite can̥dle ligٔht nighͮts a gooٓd walk in the park or near sea.
My accoun֓t is over there:

C̎heck out my pic:
I hope you will f̯inͩd me there and we will become frieِndsٛ! I'm ready foٝr chat!

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