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viernes, 30 de julio de 2021

Re: Responsive website.( Mobile Friendly )

Would you please tell me whether you received my last email or not? Please let me know so that I can update you further.
Would you like to discuss a Redesign/Re-development of your website, Mobile App/SEO then I can send you our Portfolio/Packages/Company information and time frame.
I have best offer you.
Your reply will be highly appreciated.

From: Abhi Aurora
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 1:05 PM
Subject: Responsive website.( Mobile Friendly )

If you want to build a professional online store with WordPress then you are in the right place!!! I will create and customize your e-commerce website with the most popular plugin.I will also customize your old website.

My service list:-

1.WordPress THEME install and CUSTOMIZATION.
2.Woo-commerce plugin setup.
3.Theme option setup.
4.Demo setup.
5.Store setup.
6.Add Products.
7.Add Secure Payment Method.
8.Solve any type of errors.
9.Responsive website.( Mobile Friendly )
10.Awesome design.
11.Edit existing site.
12.Create contact form.
13.Overall you will get a professional website.

For getting started with you i need:-

1.Hosting/Wp-admin (username and password)
2.Theme files.

" I can also Work with SHOPIFY "

Kind Regards

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