Acapulco Participa

Análisis, debate y noticias de actualidad de Guerrero y de México.

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011


Dear Sir,
I represent a top company executive in Russia. My name is Igor Filippenko
and I am the Personal Accountant to the organization I have a very
sensitive and private offer from this top executive to ask for your
partnership to re-profile some offshore investment funds worth over
US$200,000,000 (Two Hundred Million United States Dollars). I am
constrained however to withold most of the details for now.But in summary
the invested funds are in a bank in western Europe, we need to terminate
this investments and re-profile the funds
over to you for certain reasons. This is due to the major shake ups and on
going economic re-structuring policy in Russia presently. This is a
legitimate transaction, if we are agreed on the terms you will be paid 10%
for "re-profiling and subsequent management of the funds" . If you are
interested, please write back by email to:
Provide me with your trusted personal telephone numbers and email address
and I will give you further details.Please keep this close to your chest
as much as possible; we cannot afford any political problems.
Write me back. I look forward to it.
Best regards,

Igor Filippenko

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